I am a final-year BDS student, currently posted in the Department of Orthodontics. Wire bending has never been my cup of tea, and I have always faced rejection in this area. After hours of practice, with sore and bleeding fingers, I finally managed to make one decent clasp. When I showed it to a senior staff member in the department, he didn’t even bother to take a proper look. Instead, he threw it aside, saying, "It doesn’t matter, as if you’re going to be an Orthodontist anyway." He signed off on the submission without any further comment.
At that moment, I didn’t feel anything neither happiness nor hurt. I was simply relieved that I had managed to complete the task. However, later that night, his words kept echoing in my mind, making me feel as though I wasn’t capable of achieving anything in the field of Orthodontics. Since that incident, I’ve struggled to work on wire bending, as my confidence has taken a hit.